Local Alarm Panels are units that display all the data and
alarms of the panel by installing them in the area fed by the
isolation panel. From local alarm panels; You can monitor
Isolation resistance level and its alarm, Current drawn value
and its alarm, Transformer temperature and its alarm,
Line-based alarm information from error detection system,
Line feeding information, Line1, Line2 and Output voltage
information. The whole system communicates with each
other via Mod-Bus. The central monitoring panel is used to
display the information of all panels in the same group from a
single point. It is generally located in the technical staff room.
IEC 60364-7-710
- Ability to operate as a local or central alarm panel
- Monitoring up to 16 boards
- Isolation level monitoring
- Current level monitoring
- Temperature monitoring
- Source monitoring
- Line-based error monitoring
- LCD graphic display
- Audible and visual alarm
- Data export with MODBUS and IPtly.